Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So, we took Colby camping this past weekend. As bad as it to say we had never done it before. It was so much fun!! We went to the only place in Texas that has pine trees and the terrain makes you feel as if you are in the mountains. We went hiking and our camp spot overlooked a lake. In the lake were these huge bull frogs. We could hear them all night long, they were so loud. We also saw possums, woodpeckers, and well just all sorts of stuff. There are rattlesnakes in the area, so I was glad that was one thing we didn't see.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The beach

Oh yea...the beach!! Rockport is a coastal area, so the beach was only like 15 minutes from the house. In the picture is Jin, Ravi and Chosun's little boy. He is so cute! Colby had so much fun, he found hermit crabs, and if you can believe it jelly fish. He was playing in the water with Ravi and they saw some small jelly fish--pretty crazy. Kinsey had fun at the beach until she got sand in her bathing suit. That is the only thing we can think of as to why she was crying, but she looked so cute in her bathing suit and hat. It was a really fun time!!
We went to visit our good friends Ravi and Chosun in Rockport over the weekend. We had so much fun. Chosun's parents have a home there and they have a pool, and this pond with fish in it. Colby had so much fun fishing, he and Nick caught like 5 catfish. The house was in the "country" as we say here in Texas, so there was lots of space for Colby to go out and run around. It was very peaceful and serene.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mmm ice cream!!

Like mama like daughter, we love our ice cream!! Dad let her try some the other night while we were sitting outside. She buried her mouth in it like it was the greatest thing she had ever tasted. She is starting to be able to try a lot more foods--it's pretty funny. We put a lot of things for her to try in a little mesh bag type thing that she can hold and she loves it. We give her all sorts of fruits and veggies in it and she will sit in her high chair and just munch on it. It will be a fun summer when I start giving her popsicles and stuff.

Kinsey's Blessing

Well...we just were not able to make it home yet and decided to finally bless our sweet baby girl. She was so beautiful in her blessing dress. She is beautiful in everything, but her being in all white made her big brown eyes look so pretty. The big brother is a pretty handsome guy too :).