We had a pretty good 4th. It had been since we moved to Texas that we had been to a parade, so we were pretty excited to take the kiddo's. I think it is funny how we go and do things (like parades) and swear that next year we will not do it again, because it is way too hot. We had forgotten that weather in Utah or Texas, the parades are way too hot!! I have to say Texas is a little warmer at 10am, so when we sat outside for two hours in 95 and the humidity it got miserable. We left after we had watched something like 168 "things" go by. I say things, because they were not floats. Texas is the only state I know that has a parade full of tractors and singing cowboy churches. This is not a joke. The mayor was in a fishing boat being pulled by a truck in a straw hat and overalls!!! I felt as if I was put there as a joke, challenging my very core not to make all out fun of everything. Colby had fun though and that was all that mattered.
That night we just went to our ward party and hung out. It was pretty fun, they had a big bounce house that was a waterslide. All of the kids played in that for a long time. Then they did a pinata, sack races, and finished the night with fireworks. We were all beat. The next day was not very pleasant taking the kids to sit through church--LOL!!